Within the framework of the sale at distance (without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties), according to the Law of April, 6th 2010 of the Law of Commercial Practices, the Customer has the right to exert his right of retraction without having to pay penalties, except for the costs of returning the goods, within a period of 14 days, starting as from the day of reception of the goods by the Customer.
The customer must notify his/her cancellation by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt, sent to Vestingstraat 73, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium or by contacting www. mp-jewelry.com by mail kgr.antwerp@gmail.com mentioning the order number and the reason for return. www. mp-jewelry.com will then indicate to the customer the steps to follow.
In all cases, the return is carried out at the Customer’s own risk. It will be up to the customer to preserve any proof of return. The returned products must be intact, in a perfect state for resale, and in original packing. They cannot have been worn, used or to have suffered even minimum deterioration, and in a state of perfect cleanliness. Any product which is damaged, incomplete, or whose original packing is deteriorated, will be neither refunded nor exchanged. This right of retraction is exerted without penalty, except for the transport charges which remain at the cost of the Customer.
Free Items are non-refutable nor exchangeable.
In the event of having exercised the right of retraction, the Customer will receive, upon reception of your return parcel and the validation from our services; receive a confirmation email of your item having been returned. In the event of a demand for repayment, www. mp-jewelry.com will make all effort to refund the Customer within 30 days.
All the products on the site can be returned, except those marked to the contrary. In any case, the right to cancel does not apply for products which have a personal character or have been made according the specifications of the Customer. Products that cannot be sent back due to their character or which can deteriorate or age too fast, can neither be returned. Also in case of delivery of services for which the execution has been done with consent of the Customer before the end of the cancellation period as mentioned before, cannot be returned.
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